Empowering patients to slow the progression of kidney disease

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Global Health Crisis

37 million in the US and 850 million globally affected by Chronic Kidney Disease.

Billions in Healthcare Costs

Annually, $140 billion USD spent just in the USA, UK, and Australia on CKD, exceeding breast, lung, and skin cancer costs.

Deadly Outlook

Chronic Kidney Disease projected to become the 5th deadliest disease by 2040.

The Problem

People with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) can potentially slow down progression through behavioural changes, yet effective self management tools are often inaccessible.

Our Mission

Empower a million patients with personalised educational resources, services, and innovative digital self management tools to slow kidney disease progression.

Educational resouRces

Cook with confidence

Discover our free educational resources, including recipes, articles, and podcasts. Also, check out our premium video-based Kidney Diet Course by renowned renal dietitian Ruth Kander, tailored to your CKD stage. Learn more about kidney disease and personalised dietary guidance.


Book a class or renal dietitian appointment

Nothing beats speaking to a real person when you are not sure of where to start with a kidney diet. Finding a renal dietitian for a reasonable cost with Kidney Ally has never been easier.


Coming in 2024!

Launching in 2024, our groundbreaking digital tool empowers kidney patients with AI technology to self-manage and slow CKD progression. Get in touch for more details!